Sunday, January 2, 2011

Belated Turbosquid Christmas present

After several tireless weeks of waiting for my sales to creep up, I have finally made it to being a Gold level SquidGuild member. That means I am half way up the Turbosquid ladder of success. With a measly $1,500 in sales and another $1,500 to go till I reach the next level (and higher royalty rates) I still have a long way to go, but man, Gold sure is a nice level to hang at for a while.

Be sure to check out my profile for all of your modeling needs right here!


  1. Hey Richard,

    It's Patricia from TurboSquid. Happened to see this on my Google Reader account and wanted to send my congratulations and best wishes for future success. Have a great 2001!

  2. Thanks so much Patricia! Yeah I am definitely loving you guy's site, Turbosquid gives me something to do in the morning, hop on and check my sales haha. I'm sure that 2011 will be another huge year for Turbosquid!
